The treatment aims at treating a patient to increase their muscle strength, Tendon and Ligament. The treatment is highly beneficial for joint
strengthening and body balancing.
The VR treatment is highly efficient to treat and regain the strength of the vestible organs through internal exercising tactics with the help
of Inner Strength Training. It is a highly recommended technique for Paralytic Patients.
This treatment helps in developing balance between the muscles and bones witht he help of Advanced Physiotherapy. Most Physiotherapy modalities
such as Frozen Shoulder, Slip DIsc, Cervical etc. are treated under this therapy.
Physiotherapy si highly recommended for women during pregnancy and in case of PCOD. Physiotherapy helps in vascular strengthening Internal Rehabilitation
for PCOD.
Physiotherapy helps in quick recovery from sports injuries. Untreated injuries might lead to complication during the later age, hence, every professional
fitness enthusiast and sports person rely on a physiotherapist to cure their pain on time.
Geriatric Physiotherapy is highly recommended for those who are in their old age. Cases of Arthiritis and Paralysis can be treated under this treatment.
Neurological disorders such as Cerebral Palsy, Pyogenic Meningitis, Polio, Quadriplagia, Hemiplagia, Paraplagia, Bells Palsy etc are treated under this treatment.
Chiropractor Therapy helps in diagnose the mechanical disorder of the musculoskeletal system. It helps in apine adjustment and develop a correct body posture.
Home Care Physiotherapy helps in providing therapy to patients at home. Under this service most therapy is serviced to the patient at their requested location assisted by expert therapists.